Live Online Classes
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Class Fees Non Refundable. If instructor cancels or postpones class, the fee will be refunded, upon request, less Epacket Cost.
All Classes are Interactive and include an Instructional Video (not a class recording) and Written/Photos Instructional step by step Epacket.
All Class Designs are copyrighted and cannot be taught without permission from Carol. No design can be placed on any surface or fabric to be sold. Classes are non refundable unless cancelled by instructor less the cost of the Epacket.
Register Online Here on site to attend classes
Email me with questions:

MUD/Turquoise Floral/Beginner
MUD Floral/Beginner. We will review all of the Mud Techniques in this class. Surface: 12 x 12 covered with Mulberry Paper or painted with Acrylic paint. Class Date: Thursday, February 13th, 6-8 pm ET. Class Price: $28 that included Epacket/Video Download, and Live Class,
MUD Floral/Beginner. We will review all of the Mud Techniques in this class. Surface: 12 x 12 covered with Mulberry Paper or painted with Acrylic paint. Class Date: Thursday, February 13th, 6-8 pm ET. Class Price: $28 that included Epacket/Video Download, and Live Class,